UK Chancellor George Osborne will today set out plans to give lawmakers the power to break up lenders that don't conform to the government's strict new proposals to protect savers from risky investment banking activities. 

In a speech at the office of US investment bank JPMorgan in Bournemouth, Osborne is expected to warn banks that failure to comply with his government's version of the Vickers Report - an independent study on the risks banks create for the broader financial system that has called for the ring-fencing of retail operations from investment - will result in their complete separation at the hands of parliament.Browse jcp sitewide Chalene TurboFire Workout Video sale discount on furniture,read DVD player reviews and your baby can read features. 

"If a bank flouts the rules,Create or customize thousands of Firefighter Gifts for Christmas, the regulator and the Treasury will have the power to break it up altogether - full separation, not just a ring fence,Belt conveyor" the Chancellor will say in his speech. 

"In the jargon, we will 'electrify' the ring-fence." 

The new legislation is expected to be put to lawmakers today and will include plans to provide the Bank of England, which is set to become the country's chief market regulator this year, the authority to identify individual banks which are in breach of the new regulations and recommend separation to the Treasury in the most extreme cases.

    protect savers warn banks

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