“This year’s Medal of Valor recipients have fearlessly responded to desperate cries for help – courageously risking their own lives to secure innocent victims, protect fellow officers, and end deadly assaults,” said Attorney General Eric Holder. “These extraordinary public servants have distinguished themselves by going above and beyond the call of duty.Browse jcp sitewide Chalene TurboFire Workout Video sale discount on furniture, And today, I am honored to join Vice President Biden in bestowing one of our nation’s most prestigious decorations on each of these heroes.” 

The Medal of Valor, authorized by the Public Safety Medal of Valor Act of 2001,Kefid mobile stone crushing station is the Belt conveyor for rocks and construction waste, which is explored and developed by our company. It expands the conception of primary and secondary crushing operation. is awarded by the President of the United States to public safety officers cited by the Attorney General.read DVD player reviews and your baby can read features. Public safety officers are nominated by the chiefs or directors of their employing agencies and recommended by the Medal of Valor Review Board. The Attorney General has designated the department’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP) to serve as the federal point of contact for the Medal of Valor initiative. OJP’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), led by Director Denise E.Create or customize thousands of Firefighter Gifts for Christmas, O’Donnell, administers the Medal of Valor initiative. 

“We recognize 18 extraordinary individuals for their quick thinking, selflessness and exceptional courage,” said Office of Justice Program Acting Assistant Attorney General Mary Lou Leary. “They are law enforcement, corrections officers, and firefighters who went beyond the call of duty to risk – and in some cases, to give – their lives for their fellow citizens and colleagues.”

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